Sunday 6 March 2011

Itchy Propeller

I really need to be on the move now and I’m getting bored staying in one place! I am sick of being simply a convenient stationary toilet for all the mallards on the Grand Union Canal!
Now that the water is warming up I have the need to feel its gentle caress along my sides as it glides slowly past, together with the seductive convivial stroke of the soft friendly mud beneath me, as it fondles my bottom both tenderly and passionately!
I need to be lulled by the whisper of moving air in my cratch....... I need to be wooed by new worlds and experiences....... And I want all these things now!
Though he’s pretending he’s very laid back about it, I think the Boss is eager to get going too.  He’s been a bit quieter lately and has been happy to stay on board with me.
‘Preparing for sea’ is what he calls it, but I don’t know where he thinks he’s going to be taking me!
He hasn‘t found the need to dash off quite so often to see other people. And I like that. It means that he wants to seek new encounters together with me.....  Just the two of us......Lovely!
I think we are scheduled to begin our travels next Saturday, heading south towards Braunston. That’ll be nice.
However yesterday he had a visit from his friends Paul, Tracy and their little daughter Millie. They had come all the way from home to see him, which was lovely.
They came for coffee in the morning and when it got towards lunch time he invited them to try that dreadful ‘splodge’ he makes. But they were very polite about it I thought, even appearing to be eager that they would love some more, when the Boss encouraged them to have seconds. They actually asked him for the recipe would you believe...... I certainly can’t!
Later they all went up into the busy town of Warwick and enjoyed looking at its quaint little shops and when they had had enough of this they went to Wylie’s for tea and homemade cakes. This was a very pleasant old fashioned tearoom and they loved it. It was in stark contrast to the modern massively invested chromium plated corner coffee houses that are everywhere today. At Wylie’s the customer drinks his tea out of small china cups, poured from a fat floral teapot; so different from having to push and shove to get an enormous paper cup of scalding mass produced tea.
Afterwards the Skipper was delivered back to the ship and all was well again. He’d been very chuffed to see his good friends once more but was also sorry to see them go. Paul has crewed for us a few times and seems to enjoy it and also Tracy has been on one occasion. Though she is always very welcome if she wants to crew again, she is usually happy just to deliver and collect her husband on board.
But please let’s get going now! ...... I’ve had enough of the mallards and swans pecking for food in the long tendrils of weed down my sides.

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